Ghanta Karna is one of the festivals of Nepal, also known as 'Gathamuga'. It is said that Gathamuga
is the male festival
and the beginning of festival for that year as lot of festivals follow after this festival. This festival is a relic of the be!ief in demonolatry by the people of the Valley. Ghanta Karna, a demon and other evil spirits are propitiated and exercised on this day. An effigy made of green reeds is erected at all the main cross-roads of the town in the day. A person is painted in all kinds of colour till he looks like a grotesque figure representing the demon Ghanta Karna. This symbolic demon goes begging in the locality. At the end of the day he is dragged to a river on the green reeds symbolising the driving away of the demon from the locality. This also signifies that not a single person can cast off evil from the society but it can be done in community level. This gives the message of unity.
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